Focus, Attention & Self-Control
Build your dog's attention and self-control, even in distracting environments.
In this class we work on strengthening connection between dog and handler, building our dog’s attention and self-control through exercises and games that reinforce good choices in environments of increasing distraction and temptation. This work pays dividends in all our other areas of training.
Is your dog overly friendly when he/she sees people or other dogs?
Is your dog easily distracted - more interested in other dogs or people than in working with you?
Does your dog need a refresher and/or more practice in self-control?
If the answer to these questions is “Yes,” then this class is for you!
We’ll practice techniques to guide our dogs towards better choices and use relationship-centered methods to boostconnection and self-control.
This class involves working in close proximity to other dogs/handlers. Course content may include handling exercises from AKC Rally and Agility, Rally Freestyle, and Pattern Games from Control Unleashedâ.
Note: If your dog has a fearful or negative reaction to other dogs/people, displays reactivity or persistent barking and frustration when around other dogs, then we suggest starting with a private training lesson rather than a group class environment. If you would like to discuss your dog's behavior prior to enrolling, please contact us.
Age of Dog: 5 months and older
Course: Puppy Training, Puppy Manners, Beginner Dog Obedience & Manners or instructor approval.
Knowledge of cues: sit, down, come, stay, leave it
Please contact us if you have any questions!
What to bring
100 small, super exciting treats for your dog.
4 to a 6-foot leash (no retractable leashes)
Flat collar or harness (no prong, pinch, electric, or choke collars)