Puppy - Ages 8 weeks to 5 months
There is nothing sweeter than a puppy. However, that adorable puppy can also terrorize your home by keeping you up at night, peeing on the floor, chewing your favorite pair of shoes, scratching and biting you or your kids, chasing the cat, jumping on you, and more. Don't get frustrated, let us guide you.
The first 6 months of your puppy's life is a time of learning about themselves and the world around them. In particular, the first 16 weeks of life are critical for long term behavior traits. Positive interactions in these early weeks will set your puppy up for confidence for the rest of their lives. We encourage you to enroll in a class as soon as your puppy is 7 days past their first round of shots (must include DHPP) and deworming. Puppies must be healthy to attend class. For puppies adopted from a shelter or large breeder, we also require the puppy to be in your home for a minimum of 14 days and show no signs of illness before attending class.
Click for free tips and techniques for training young puppies.
Our training methods are scientifically based using positive reinforcement. We use treats, praise, toys, and petting as rewards. We provide a clicker with your registration to all entry-level courses. If you are not comfortable with the clicker, we teach you how to use a marker word. Food rewards are faded out as the dog's skills increase. We believe the best training results are achieved when you bond with your dog and there is mutual trust and respect.
If you could use a bit more guidance, we offer private lessons via zoom or in Cedar Park. Are you worried about taking your puppy to a class before they have received all their shots? Read the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior recommendations regarding shots and socialization for young puppies.
Puppy - Ages 8 weeks to 5 months

6 weeks, 1 hour per week

6 weeks, 1 hour per week
From $165.00

1 hour