Service Dog Tasks - 1

To our dogs, EVERYTHING is a trick! Trick training provides enrichment and mental stimulation for dogs of all ages, as well as strengthens the bond they share with us. For service dogs, tricks become fun tasks to help with your disability.


To our dogs, EVERYTHING is a trick!  Trick training provides enrichment and mental stimulation for dogs of all ages, as well as strengthens the bond they share with us.  Tricks can also build the confidence of shy and anxious dogs. 

Does your dog like to learn?  Do they love to play fetch or tug?  This is the class for them!

Take this class purely for fun, or to teach your dog tasks to help with your disability, to learn multiple ways to teach a behavior, to enhance what you've learned in manners class, or to obtain AKC Trick Titles!  See the Novice Tricks Checklist and the Intermediate Tricks Checklist for some of the tricks our dogs will learn in this class.  Many of the AKC tricks lay the foundation for service dog tasks to help with a disability. 

Your instructor is an experienced AKC Trick Dog Evaluator who can complete all evaluator requirements for AKC Trick Dog titles. 

If you are interested in learning Service Dog Tasks, this course introduces the foundational skills and can help you and your dog learn tricks/tasks needed for the service dog evaluation.  


Dog Manners 1 or Puppy Manners 1

Age of Dog:  6 months and older

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